SOAP Message

SOAP Message Overview

SOAP is a standardized XML based protocol for exchanging messages between client and server, and forms the foundation of Web Services.

SOAP is widely used across the internet and implementations exist for virtually every conceivable platform, making SOAP messaging the ideal format for exposing your services to a wide variety of consumers, or accessing existing web services provided by others. Since SOAP is an open standard and not specific to Remoting SDK, it easily enables communication with non-Remoting SDK systems.

SOAP has disadvantages over the Remoting SDK's own BinMessage format in that it is based on XML and very verbose, adding a substantial overhead on the data with a message that is often larger than the actual data. The specification is also very ambiguous, resulting in potential differences and incompatibilities with the many SOAP implementations out there.

SOAP also provides its own format for defining the structure of services, comparable to Remoting SDK's RODL files, so called WSDL (Web Service Definition Language).

Remoting SDK provides support for importing WSDL files from within Service Builder and the Delphi IDE, and allows clients to retrieve WSDL for services exposed via SOAP Message and HTTP.


See Also